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woraauthbf is an oracle password brute-forcer.  It has the following features:


  • Oracle password hash attack
  • Oracle password hash attack for 11g. It tries to crack the old hash and checks the case sensitivity with the new algorithm.
  • 8i authentication attack without oracle dlls
  • 9i and 10g authentication attack with oracle dlls
  • Dictionary attack
  • Incremental brute force attack
  • Multithreaded
  • Resume mode


It is available from here



Usage: woraauthbf.exe -p pwdfile [-d dictfile] -t type -m maxpwdlength -c charset

-p    Password file
-d    Dictionary file
-t    There are four possible values. "hash" and "11g10g" is for oracle password hash. "8i",  "9i", "10g" are for the given authentication method. The default value is "hash".
-m  The maximum length of the password in brute-force mode. The maximum value  is 10. The default value is 6.
-c This is the charset in brute-force mode. There are three possible values:  "alpha" [A-Z], "alphanum" [A-Z0-9], and all [A-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/].  The default value is "alpha".
-s    The session file contains the resume information. The programs generates two session files with name oraauth.sess.0 and oraauth.sess.1. Use the earlier one according the file access date.
-o      This is the path of the oran10.dll.
--perm  The 0 value switches off the permutation of the user names.
--noarr  It switches off the user names and default password checking.

Password files have the following formats:


password hash:
The file format is: username:password hash:sid:server:
Example: SCOTT:F894844C34402B66:test:testdb:
The following SQL can be used:
select username||':'||password||':'||name||':'||host_name||':' from sys.dba_users, sys.V_$DATABASE, sys.v_$instance;
8i authentication
The file format is:
9i authentication:
The file format is:
10g authentication:


The file format is:




11g password hash:
The file format is:
username:password hash:11g password hash:sid:server:
The following SQL can be used:
select||':'||u.password||':'||substr(u.spare4,3,63)||':'||||':'|| sys_context('USERENV','SERVER_HOST')||':' from sys.user$ u, sys.V_$DATABASE d where u.type#=1;


Example output:


C:\woraauthbf_0.21R2>woraauthbf.exe -p has.txt -d default_passwords.txt
Usernames will be permuted!
The number of processors: 2
Number of pwds to check: 693
Number of pwds to check by thread: 346
Password file: hash.txt, dictionary file: default_passwords.txt, type: hash
Start: 1 End: 346
Password found: SYSTEM:MANAGER2:test:testdb
Start: 347 End: 693
Start array thread with 490 number of passwords!
Elpased time: 0s
Checked passwords: 11807






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