Goolag Goolag Scanner (gS) is a standalone windows GUI based application released by the Cult of the Dead Cow which uses a pre-defined xml-based configuration file to carry out specific Google web based searches (known as dorks) based on the work/ findings in the Google Hacking Database
Pre-requisites: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 It is available from here. Installation: Simply double-click on the exe. Execution: Insert the domain to be tested and select the dorks to test against: 
Unfortunately one of the side effects of running too many dorks against a site is the danger of getting blocked by Google: 
After inserting the verification code requested by Google in the browser, Goolag will continue until the next block that is!) and a final report is produced, in this case no issues were found:
Using this program out of the box is not recommended and a fine-grained use of dorks is required. This may prove useful to some, but I believe some more work needs to go into this application for it to prove really useful. There are better programs out there at the moment such as wikto/ nikto and especially maltego which are of more use. Its one to watch though, the Cult of the Dead Cow are back and their offerings are usually well worth trying. |