This carries out a similar
function to OAT's opwg, password guesser, and utilises the self same accounts.default file for its default username/password pairs.
It differs in that it also tries to guess accounts with the same username and
password as well, which obviously doesn't happen out there :-)) It also
provides a basic but succinct xml report format and has a built in xml viewer.
- Java Runtime Environment
- OScanner zip file
JRE Installation: chmod 700 jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin ./jre-1_5_0_04-linux.bin Oscanner Installation: Now need to vi the files oscanner.sh and reportviewer.sh to
point towards the JAVA executable: JAVA=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_08/bin/java chmod 744 oscanner.sh chmod 744 reportviewer.sh
N.B accounts.default file has only 120+ standard
username/password pairs, to enable a check of the 600 known Oracle default
accounts change this file with my prepared one here.
Oscanner: C:\Oracle\oscanner_bin>oscanner
Oracle Scanner 1.0.6 by patrik@cqure.net
OracleScanner -s <ip> -r <repfile> [options]
-s <servername>
-f <serverlist>
-P <portnr>
-v be verbose [root@localhost oat]# sh oscanner.sh -s OR c:\oscanner -s Reportviewer: C:\Oracle\oscanner_bin>reportviewer
Reportviewer v.0.0.1 by patrik@cqure.net
Reportviewer [filename] [root@localhost oat]#sh reportviewer.sh oscanner_192_168_0_1_report.xml OR c:\reportviewer oscanner_192_168_0_1_report.xml