Net Commands The Net commands have been around for years and can prove very useful for getting access to lots of information both on the localhost and a remote machine. NET GROUP | Add a Workgroup NET GROUP [GROUP_NAME] /ADD [/COMMENT:"TEXT"] [/DOMAIN]
Add a user to a group NET GROUP [GROUP_NAME] [USERNAME] [...] /ADD [/DOMAIN]
Delete a user from a group NET GROUP [GROUP_NAME] [USERNAME] [...] /DELETE [/DOMAIN]
To View, Add or modify a local workgroup replace GROUP in the commands above with LOCALGROUP. | NET HELP | Displays information about NET commands and error messages. COMMAND /? NET HELP [2ND _WORD] NET HELP ERROR_NUM COMMAND /? | Specifies the Microsoft NET command that you want information about. | 2ND _WORD | Specifies the second word of the command you want information about. For example, the suffix of NET VIEW is VIEW. | ERROR_NUM | Specifies the number of the error message that you want information about. |
| NET LOCALGROUP | NET LOCALGROUP [GROUP_NAME [/COMMENT:"TEXT"]] [/DOMAIN] NET LOCALGROUP [GROUP_NAME /ADD [/COMMENT:"TEXT"]] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] NET LOCALGROUP [GROUP_NAME ] [NAME] [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] | NET PASSWORD | Changes your logon password. NET PASSWORD [OLD_PASS [NEW_PASS]] For changing the password for your password-list file. NET PASSWORD \\COMPUTER | /DOMAIN:name [USER [OLD_PASS[NEW_PASS]]] For changing your password on a Windows NT or LAN Manager server or domain. OLD_PASS | Specifies your current password. | NEW_PASS | Specifies your new password. It can have as many as 14 characters. | COMPUTER | Specifies the Windows NT or LAN Manager server on which you want to change your password. | /DOMAIN | Specifies that you want to change your password on a Windows NT or LAN Manager domain name Specifies the Windows NT or LAN Manager domain on which you want to change your password. | USER | Specifies your Windows NT or LAN Manager user name. |