NeXpose Community Edition
The NeXpose Community Edition is a free vulnerability scanner, a single-user version of Rapid7s' NeXpose Enterprise solution. Powered by the same scan engine the NeXpose Community Edition provides users with: - Vulnerability scanning for up to 32 IPs
- Regular vulnerability updates
- Accurate scan results
- Prioritized risk assessment
- Remediation guidance
- Metasploit integration
- Community support at
- Simple deployment
- No cost start-up security solution
It is available from here
NeXpose is currently supported on the following OS:
- MS Windows Server 2003 SP2 / Server 2003 R2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Ubuntu 8.04 LTS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Additional support is available for other flavours of OS, the above are the recommended platforms that it should be utilised on. Note: - I currently use Fedora Core, this review utilised this platform Install Pre-requisites: yum install compat-libstdc++-33 yum install screen Disable Selinux: vi /etc/selinux/config [root@fc12 selinux]# cat config # disabled - SELinux is fully disabled. SELINUX=disabled Restart: shutdown -r now Change attributes: chmod a+x NeXposeSetup-Linux32.bin Install: ./NeXposeSetup-Linux32.bin Note: - A default installation installs to the /opt/rapid7/nexpose directory - Input licence key
- Change default username of nxadmin to something more secure
- Apply a strong password
On first use, the following command /opt/rapid7/nexpose/nsc/ initialises and starts the application. This changes some install directory file permissions, installs a postgres Database and adds a postgres user. The application then connects to and installs updates from rapid7 server, installs and starts Nexpose web server. Creating a NeXpose Service Daemon Alter the /opt/rapid7/nexpose/nsc/nexposeconsole.rc file if any other directory than the default has been selected to install NeXpose to i.e. #defines NXP_ROOT=[installation_directory] cp /opt/rapid7/nexpose/nsc/nexposeconsole.rc /etc/init.d/nexposed (daemon_name) chmod +x /etc/init.d/nexposed (make it executable) chkconfig --add nexposed (add to startup in run levels 3-5) Execution Ensure the service is started and access the console via the following URL: https://<your_NSC_ip_address>:3780 The rest is being worked on :-) |