Ighashpu is a program to recover/crack SHA1, MD5 & MD4 hashes. As ighashgpu supports salted hashes it's possible to use it for: - Plain MD4, MD5, SHA1.
- Domain Cached Credentials
- Oracle 11g
- MySQL5
- vBulletin
- Invision Power Board
Supported Cards/ Requirements - Only currently supported ATI cards are: HD RV7X0 and RV830/870. Which means -- 4550, 4670, 4830, 4730, 4770, 4850, 4870, 4890, 5750, 5770, 5850, 5870.
- Catalyst 9.9+ must be installed.
- Only supported nVidia cards are the ones with CUDA support, i.e. G80+.
- Systems with multiple GPUs supported.
Current statusIt is available from here UsageSyntax ighashgpu.exe [switch:param] [hashfile.txt]
Note:- hashfile.txt only used with unsalted MD5 hashes. This file must contain plain MD5 hashes (32 HEX digits - username:hash) or simply hash at each line. For example: aaaa:74b87337454200d4d33f80c4663dc5e5
-c csdepa Charset definition (caps, smalls (default), digits, special, space, all)
-u [chars] User-defined characters
-uh [HEX] User-defined characters in HEX (2 chars each)
-uhh [HEX] User-defined characters in Unicode HEX (4 chars each)
-uf [filename] Load characters from file. Not used with Unicode.
-sf [password] Password to start attack from
-m [mask] Password mask
-ms [symbol] Mask symbol
-salt [hex] Append salt after password
-asalt [string] Append salt in ascii after password
-usalt [string] Append salt in unicode after password
-ulsalt [string] Same as above but unicode string firstly transformed to lower case
-min [value] Minimum length (default == 4), must be >= 4
-max [value] Maximum length (default == 6), must be <= 31 (not counting salt length)
-h [hash] Hash to attack (16 or 20 bytes in HEX)
-t [type] Type of hash to attack
- md4 (Single byte/Unicode)
- sha1 (Single byte/Unicode)
- md5
- md5x2 md5(md5($pass).ascii) No idea how to call it, some forum's type
- md5x2s md5(md5($pass).$salt) Same as above except salt added after first md5 (without salt md5x2 and md5x2s are the same).
Can be used for vBulletin hashes especially with asalt switch - mysql5 sha1(sha1($password))
- ipb md5(md5($salt).$md5($pass))
- dcc md4(md4($password).lowercase($username))
-devicemask:[N] Bit mask for GPUs usage, bit 0 == first GPU (default 0xFF, i.e. all GPUs). Note: - Special parameters (like " or /) can be passed by using single or double quotes: -asalt "h/X" -asalt '-"-' -sf "aa//bb" -cpudontcare Tell ighashgpu that you want maximum from GPU and so don't care about CPU usage at all (and it means one CPU core at 100% per one GPU). -hm [N] Set threshold temperature for hardware monitoring, default is 90C. You can disable monitoring by setting this value to zero. -blocksize [N] Set block size, by default N = 23 which means 2^23 = 8388608 passwords offloaded to GPU in a single batch. By default charset processed as ANSI one. (i.e. WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, ...) You can change this with: -unicode Use unicode -oem Use oem encoding -codepage [page] Convert charset to specific codepage (need to have it at system of course) 
Example SyntaxBrute-force ighashgpu.exe -h:239361613fe5281d8efb90e7f8e0ceb0 -t:md5 -c:sd -m:????assw???1234
ighashgpu.exe /h:a2b7caddbc353bd7d7ace2067b8c4e34db2097a3 /t:sha1 /max:6
ighashgpu.exe /h:cbe1d6d5800ec1e03a5f2a64882a0d41 /t:md5 /c:sd /max:7
ighashgpu.exe /c:d /max:10 /h:e807f1fcf82d132f9bb018ca6738a19f /t:md5
ighashgpu.exe -h:47c8fb7775aec7a11e1d141bc26a5a33726e5d6e -t:mysql5 -c:sd -max:6
MSSQL ighashgpu.exe -h:a72befac3e58eb24d559d9fe0045cfdf090782e2 -t:sha1 -unicode -max:6 -salt:e16bed51 NTLM ighashgpu.exe -h:9D4518F84296B9CE26D02F229870D2D4 -t:md4 -c:a -unicode
ighashgpu.exe /h:252bb1fe4ecb040ebc8c78d2a1b89218 /t:md4 /c:sd /m:????00pa?? /unicode
vBulletin ighashgpu.exe -h:a4e5e1fd2cb7ae7d2961470ce50b966c -t:md5x2s -asalt:_~Y /max:7
MD5 multihashing ighashgpu.exe /t:md5 /c:csd /max:6 test.md5
Oracle 11g ighashgpu.exe -c:sd -salt:01234567890123456789 -h:bedfe061a33474a9d403c809dd93a8cc79b46f74 -t:sha1
ighashgpu.exe -c:a -salt:02B03D5D74B6841CEA2E -h:D39F4CC16573323279E5E4E16D359D6C55DCC092 -t:sha1
IPB ighashgpu.exe /t:ipb /h:a8b35664407b264c6de709705f0b1dd4 /asalt:"]#/R_" /c:s
Domain Cached Credentials ighashgpu.exe -t:dcc -ulsalt:DelPotro -h:89af0c6c397bc879d7206ea8a41a11bb -c:sc Note: The -ulsalt switch usage, not just -usalt