It is available from here
Unpack to a directory
May need to chmod +x haraldscan (as root)
Run './haraldscan -b' to build database
You are ready to go
Usage: ./haraldscan [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b, --build Builds MAC Addr database. Ignores all other options
--flush=FLUSHNUM When db = size entered. Flush entries to a different database (useful if combined with -m)
-m, --memorydb Puts the database in Memory instead of a file on disk
--no-service Disables service scans on 'Unknown' devices
--no-write Disables writing discovered device info to a file
-s, --service Does a service scan of all devices found and saves a file like a 'Unknown' device would
--time=NMINUTES Shows number of devices found per time specified in mins (default is 15 mins)
-u, --update Updates the MACLIST if there are updates and rebuilds the database (requires and Internet connection)
--write=FILENAME Outputs discovered device info to a file you specify (unspecified: filename is a timestamp)